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Research Methodologies and Report Writing| NOTES BBA FIFTH SEMESTER

UNIT -4 & 5

UNIT - 6, 7 & 8



Disclaimer: Above Syllabus is as per syllabus published by Purbanchal University 2016 revised syllabus book.



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Seventh Semester 

Fifth Semester 
Second Semester 





7th Sem_Marketing Specialization Questions Sets_2020



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 Below is the question collection of first semester 2021.



 Here the university approved/directed format and guidelines to prepare report of internship .

Internship is compulsory for students of 7th semester with proper reporting. So, check out the below guide on how to prepare reports:-

Disclaimer:- The above format is published by University and is changeable with time. So do refer to university website for latest format in future .


Download Internship Reports

We have added some internship reports here in below attached Drive Link, you can access all of those files from link. 

Here are the List of Reports in Drive. 

1. Bank - 

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2. Corporate & Industry 

Check link below:-

And many more.....

Note:- If you have any internship report you can directly upload it in same link, this will really help a lot of people so I hope to see more reports in drive. As we are Community let's work as Community by helping each other, What Say ? ;) 

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 See the image below for solutions of programming/ practical part of questions sets of 2014 to 2018 







Lets understand the meaning of NFTs from various angles and viewpoint as explained below:-

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens to give them their full name, are cryptographic assets held on a blockchain. Fungible, if you are not aware, is a word that originally derives from the Latin verb fungi meaning "to perform". In modern parlance, though admittedly mainly in legal jargon, it tends to mean "interchangeable".

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) might be the most confusing commodity on the internet right now. At its most basic, an NFT is computer code that represents ownership of digital items. But what does that actually mean? And why are they suddenly exploding in value?

NFTs are also called non-fungible tokens, and they are blockchain-held tokens that represent a unique asset – whether physical or digital. NFTs are secured on cryptocurrency blockchains, trading using Ethereum, Solana, Wax and other tokens. This means they are tied to the ebb and flow of cryptocurrency values, which is a positive and a negative.

NFT means non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which are generally created using the same type of programming used for cryptocurrencies. In simple terms these cryptographic assets are based on blockchain technology. They cannot be exchanged or traded equivalently like other cryptographic assets.

NFT stands for non-fungible token. “Non-fungible” means something is one-of-a-kind and can’t be replaced. Think of the Mona Lisa painting — there’s only one in the world. NFTs are digital assets that represent things like art, virtual avatars, GIFs, videos, trading cards and even memes.

NFTs are a special type of cybercurrency token. Each NFT is unique and tied to a specific digital asset. This digital asset can be any digital file, such as a music file, a video, or a picture file, and some also claim it can be a physical asset, such as a tennis shoe.


BLOCKCHAIN are the basics for both NFTs and even cryptocurrency. NFTs are non tangible tokens that are essentially a digital file that can be created, traded and sold. Some NFTs are also attached to things like real estate.

NFTs have a nuanced relationship with the assets tied to them. While an NFT is designed to represent the original asset on the blockchain, the NFT itself is seen as a separate entity from any content it contains. Throughout this article, we’ve often compared NFTs to trading cards, and that analogy holds true here as well.

And as such, NFTs are ideal for storing real-world value. On the other hand, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are fungible – meaning that if you were to swap 1 BTC for another 1 BTC, nothing much changes. That is to say, you still have 1 BTC worth of value in your wallet.

Just like the money in your bank account, cryptocurrency is what you use for any and all transactions on the blockchain. Cryptocurrency can be purchased or converted into fiat currencies (dollars, euros, yen, etc.) via crypto exchanges. By contrast, an NFT is a unique and irreplaceable asset that is purchased using cryptocurrency. It can gain or lose value independent of the currency used to buy it, just like a popular trading card or a unique piece of art.

But the main difference is indicated in the name. Cryptocurrency is a currency. Like every other currency, it has only economic value and is fungible. That means that, within a particular crypto currency, it doesn’t matter which crypto token you have; it has the same value as the next one, 1 $ETH = 1 $ETH. But NFTs are non-fungible, and they have a value that goes way beyond economics.

Both are digital assets; and, while crypto came first, the general public began hearing about both around the same time in the late 2010s. According to Forbes, NFTs are commonly bought and sold with crypto and both tend to attract the same players — the NFT world branched off from crypto culture. Both are built using the same programming and encoded with the same underlying software and both are secured in digital wallets — but that’s where the similarities end.


By far the most important benefit of cryptocurrencies is their decentralized nature. This sets to remove intermediary institutions like banks from the equation when it comes to payment processing between the customer and supplier. Because of the secure nature of the blockchain, it is not necessary to have a "middle man" enforcing, tracking, and policing transactions like with traditional currencies. It also means there is not a single point of failure, such as a large central bank, which could mitigate against things like the 2008 banking crisis.

The next major benefit of cryptocurrencies is their ability to make fast and relatively cheap transfers between two parties. Since there is no intermediary processing data, transfers can be made very quickly and efficiently (although the time needed varies greatly). One example of this is something called "flash loans". These loans, in which capital is borrowed and repaid in one transaction, are processed without backing collateral, can be executed within seconds, and are used in trading.

The use of crypto for conducting business presents a host of opportunities and challenges. As with any frontier, there are both unknown dangers and strong incentives. That’s why companies venturing to use crypto in their businesses should have two things: a clear understanding of why they are undertaking that action and a list of the many questions they should consider.

From an investor's point of view, cryptocurrencies offer an unprecedented opportunity to grow your investment in a relatively short period of time - albeit with a lot of risks. The valuation of many of the older and tested cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc, have skyrocketed over the last decade or so. Only ten years ago, for example, Bitcoin was valued at a yearly average of $5.27. At the time of writing, a single Bitcoin is now worth in excess of $37,000, which is a 7000% increase in ten years! Very few other investments have that kind of growth potential.

Another apparent benefit of cryptocurrencies is that they can, in theory again, be mined by anyone with a computer. While this was certainly true in the very early days of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, today it takes a considerable amount of computing power and energy to do so profitably. Nowadays, only more professional operations are able to reliably mine cryptocurrencies, which attracts enormous capital and energy expenses. Again according to MIT, somewhere in the region of 10% of miners produce 90% of all new cryptocurrency units.

If a company is ready to go beyond simply enabling crypto payments and intends to broaden crypto adoption within operations and the treasury function—in other words, to go the “hands-on” route—it may potentially find a significant increase in benefits, as well as in the number of technical matters to address.



 The latest grading system was updated on 2074-10-23,it is applicable since batch of 2016 with following changes in grading system:-

It's clear from above official notice from university that letter I in gradesheeet means incomplete or absent/not qualified.


Steps to Check Results| Purbanchal University BBA Solutions

 Here's a video tutorial on how to check results:-

Format to put data in required places:-



In any business, there are many roles and responsibilities that need to be fulfilled in order to ensure the success of the company. Each role has a specific purpose that is important for the organisation as a whole. The following is an overview of some of the most common leadership roles and their corresponding responsibilities:h

Shareholders - As shareholders, it is their responsibility to monitor management closely and make sure that they are adhering to shareholder value objectives. It’s also important for them to engage with management on issues relevant to their interests. 

Board of Directors - A board’s job is primarily focused on governance; this means overseeing all aspects of operations while ensuring compliance with corporate policies and regulations.

Shareholders are people who own a part of the company. They have the right to vote for directors and officers and have the power to influence the company's decisions.

Directors are responsible for the running of the company. They are elected by shareholders and are expected to represent their interests.

Officers are responsible for carrying out the instructions of the directors. They are usually employees of the company and are appointed by the directors.

The CEO is responsible for the overall running of the company. He or she is usually the founder or the person who has been running the company for the longest time.

The COO is responsible for the day-to-day running of the company.

The CFO manages the finances of the company.

The CTO is responsible for the technology of the company.

The CMO is responsible for marketing and communications.

The CLO is responsible for legal matters.

Roles of managers vary depending on the type of company. However, in most cases, they are responsible for the direction and objectives of the company.

The roles of shareholders, directors, officers, and managers in a company vary depending on the type of company, but they are all responsible for the direction and objectives of the company.


Tips to be a Successful BBA Student

If you are considering a career in business administration, or if you are already a student in business administration, this blog will help you prepare for success. I am a recent graduate of BBA and I have learned a lot of lessons in my journey. I know that it is not easy to be successful, but I also know that it is possible. I want to share with you the tips I know will help you be successful throughout your journey. If you have any questions about this blog or about business administration, please feel free to reach out to me.

1. The importance of a good education

Education is one of the most important parts of life, which is why it is important to make sure that you are getting the best education possible. Once you have decided on what you want to study, you need to make sure that you are doing your best to be successful. Here are a few tips that can help you be a successful BBA student. 1. Study Hard You will need to put in a lot of hard work in order to be successful. It is important to set aside a lot of time to study and to do your homework. You will need to study for a lot of hours in order to pass your classes and get good grades. The more hours you study, the better your grades will be. The more work you put in, the more likely you will be to pass and graduate. 2. Get Help It is important to get help, especially if you are struggling with a class. Your professor will be able to help you, as well as your peers. While you may not know everything, you will be able to get help from those around you. 3. Make Friends It is important to make friends in college. It is a great way to make

2. The importance of networking

Successful BBA students are more than just students. They are students with a career plan, a vision, and a drive to reach their goals. Successful BBA students are always networking and building relationships. They are networking with peers and professors, they are networking with other business owners, and they are networking with people in the industry. Networking with people in the industry helps them gain valuable insight on what goes into the business and what they can expect to see. Networking with other business owners helps them build a network that can help them in their careers. Networking with other BBA students helps them build a network of people who share the same interests, goals, and vision.

3. The importance of studying

Successful BBA students are those who are committed to studying. As a student, it is important to study and learn new things. It is also important to keep up with the pace of school and not fall behind. To be a successful BBA student, you must stay motivated and focused. You must also stay organized and start studying early enough in the morning so that you can get your work done in time.

4. The importance of being organized

The importance of being organized is one of the most important skills for any student. When you are a student, you will find that you will have a lot of responsibilities. Whether you are a full time student or a part time student, you will find that you have to have a lot of responsibilities. This means that you have to be organized to do well in school. To be more organized, you should make a schedule and stick to it. You should also make sure to plan out your day. This will prevent you from coming home after a long day and not being able to decide what you want to do. You should also be sure to plan out your week. This will allow you to know what you should be doing and when you should be doing it. It is also important to plan out your entire semester. This will allow you to know what you need to complete and how you should be spending your time.

------------------Article By Management Minds


Writing is an essential component of life. Without it, we would be deprived of a number of important things. It is important for writing to be a way for us to express our ideas and thoughts, but it is also important for writing to be a form of entertainment. When we write, we are able to explore the world of our thoughts and ideas in a way that is both fun and personal. This article will help you understand the basics of writing and give you some pointers that will help you develop your own writing style.

1. The importance of writing

The importance of writing is often overlooked in today's society, as people are now more interested in technology and social media. In order to be a successful writer, one needs to put in the time and effort to write. Writing is a process that takes patience and practice. It is important to write regularly and to not give up. The more you write, the better you will get at it. The more you write, the more you will learn and the more you will be able to express yourself. The more you write, the better your writing will become.

2. The basics of writing

The basics of writing are the foundation of any creative endeavor, whether it's a personal essay, a novel, or even a blog. Whether you're just beginning your writing journey or you're looking to improve your skills, here are some tips to consider. - Write on subjects that interest you. - Research your chosen subject. - Keep the reader in mind. - Avoid cliches and jargon. - Write in the first person. - Write with a concrete image. - Write in chronological order. - Write in the present tense. - Write with a clear point of view. - Write with a logical progression. - Write with a conversational tone.

3. The structure of a piece of writing

The Essentials of Writing: The structure of a piece of writing The structure of a piece of writing is the order in which it is written. The structure of a piece of writing is a vital part of the writing process. The structure of a piece of writing can be different for different types of writing. For example, the structure of a piece of fiction is different from the structure of a piece of non-fiction. The structure of a piece of writing can be broken down into three different sections: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Introduction The introduction of a piece of writing is the first section of a piece of writing. The introduction is where the author introduces the topic of the writing and gives the reader background information. For example, if you are writing a memoir, the introduction could be where you talk about how you came to write the memoir. Body The body of a piece of writing is the section of the writing that has the most content. This is where the author talks about what they are writing about, how they are writing about it, and arguments they make. For example, if you are writing a piece of non-fiction, the body could be where you talk about

4. Conclusion.

Another important skill for any writer is editing. It is important for writers to put in the time necessary to edit their work. This is because writers need to be able to spot errors and make sure that their work is on point. They also need to be able to find the right words to use to describe their ideas. This makes it so that the reader can understand what they are reading.

------------------------------Article by Management Minds


पुराना तथा नमूना प्रश्न पत्रहरु | मावि लाइसेन्स Questions Collection Teachers Service Commission License शिक्षा सेवा लाइसेन्स

 शिक्षा सेवा मावि लाइसेन्स प्रश्न नमूना हरु 







The 5 Skill You Need To Manage a Team


The 5 Skills You Need to Manage a Team

Managing a team can be a lot of fun and rewarding, but it takes more than just passion and vision. You need a set of skills in order to be successful in your team. In this blog post, we will help you hone your skills so you can be the best manager you can be. We will share with you five important skills that every manager should have, and the best way to improve each skill. It’s time to take your team management skills to the next level, so read on to learn how!

1. Five essential skills every manager should have

Managers need to be able to manage the people on their team and motivate them. To do this, they need to be able to communicate effectively, delegate tasks, and be able to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of their team members. 5. Be able to delegate tasks 4. Be able to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of their team members 3. Be able to communicate effectively 2. Be able to motivate their team members 1. Be able to manage the people on their team.

2. How to improve each skill

The five skills you need to manage a team effectively are: 1. Empathy 2. Communication 3. Problem-solving 4. Courage 5. Adaptability 1. Empathy: Empathy is the ability to understand how someone else is feeling. 2. Communication: The ability to effectively communicate with your team is essential. 3. Problem-solving: When a problem arises, you must be able to solve it. 4. Courage: The ability to overcome fear and make decisions is a key skill. 5. Adaptability: The ability to change your approach in response to the changing environment is important.

3. Conclusion

Team management is an essential skill that any manager should have. This is because not only is the team manager responsible for leading their team, but they are also responsible for the overall success of the company. A team manager is expected to be able to take charge of a team, delegate tasks, and be a strong leader. They are also expected to be able to motivate their team members and delegate tasks in a timely manner. In order to be a successful team manager, it’s important to have a good understanding of the five skills mentioned above. It’s also important to know how to manage your team effectively and efficiently. For example, you can use the skills of delegating tasks, motivating your team members, and taking charge of your team to manage your team effectively and efficiently.

Managing a team is not easy. It requires a lot of skill. Here are some skills that you will need to manage a team. 1. Technical knowledge- This is a skill that is not always necessary for a manager, but it will help you understand the technical aspects of your team. 2. Motivating skills- If you are a manager, you will need to motivate your team. This can be done through rewards and punishments. 3. Communicating skills- It is important to be able to communicate effectively with your team. This skill can be learned through practice, and it is important to listen to your team’s feedback. 4. Time management skills- Managers need to manage the time of their team. This is important because it will help them do their job well. 5. Conflict resolution skills- Managers need to be able to resolve conflicts that arise. This is important because it will help the team get along better.

An Article by Team Management Minds.




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Digital Marketing Tips for Startup Businesses in Nepal

New businesses often have a lot of questions about marketing. How much money do you need to spend? What kind of ROI can you expect from your advertising efforts? Do Google ads give you measurable ROI? The list goes on. In a new market like Nepal, where startups and e-commerce are still in their infancy, digital marketing is an essential piece of the puzzle for any business that wants to leave a mark. Whether or not it’s your company’s primary focus, marketing is still one of the most important things you need to think about as a business owner. You might be wondering why that is. Here are some digital marketing tips for startup businesses in Nepal.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the process of interacting with potential and current customers via online marketing channels like search engines, social media, e-mail marketing, blogs, and websites. These channels are used to attract and convert prospects into customers and brand advocates and into sales. You can also think of digital marketing as the art and science behind building a brand online. The goal of digital marketing is to generate sustained and measurable results. Digital marketers may specialize in one or more of these areas of expertise:

Why is digital marketing so important for startup businesses?

We live in a world where people are constantly connected and always on the lookout for new experiences. As a brand, you have the opportunity to capture that attention and build a genuine connection with your customers. Because of their high engagement rates, digital marketing channels like blogs, social media, and email are excellent tools for reaching and engaging new and potential customers. Digital marketing is also a low-cost alternative to traditional marketing methods like TV and print ads, which can be prohibitively expensive for startups and smaller brands. By focusing on online channels, you can scale your marketing efforts to reach a global audience at a fraction of the cost.

How to Measure Your Digital Marketing ROI?

The best way to measure your digital marketing ROI is to use a combination of analytics tools and business metrics. There are many great free and paid tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, and Hubspot to measure your website traffic and social media engagement. Use these tools to track your conversions and the sales you’re generating through your marketing efforts. By keeping an eye on your business metrics, you’ll be able to determine how your digital marketing efforts are impacting your bottom line. For example, if you notice a spike in your paid search traffic, you know that your digital ad spend is paying off. You may also want to consider investing in a marketing dashboard tool like Canva that can help you track and measure your digital marketing activities in one place.

Tips for Effective Digital Marketing in Nepal

Build a strong brand - Establishing a strong brand and a unique visual identity is crucial for any business, but it’s especially important for startups and small brands. Your brand is the first thing your customers will connect with, so it’s essential that it stands out from the crowd. Your brand should be unique and differentiated from your competitors. It should represent the core values of your company and resonate with your target audience. A strong brand is also an asset that can be used to generate revenue and create a loyal customer base. Get social - Social media is one of the best ways to connect with customers and grow your brand. Create engaging content that your followers will want to share. You can also use social media to collect customer insights and find new leads. There are many ways you can use social media to your advantage. Be sure to have your social media strategy in place before you begin posting, so you can stay consistent and focused throughout the process. Embrace the power of content - Content is king, and the best way to engage with your target audience is by creating content that solves a real problem. Create an evergreen content that can be repurposed across various channels and resonate with your customers. It can be a blog post, an infographic, or a video that educates your customers and opens up conversion opportunities.


Building a brand has never been easier thanks to the rise of digital marketing. With the right mix of strategy, creativity, and data, you can reach millions of customers and make a lasting impression. Your brand can reach people anywhere at any time and on any device. Your target audience is always connected and always on the lookout for new experiences. As a brand, you have the opportunity to capture that attention and build a genuine connection with your customers. If you’re looking to start your own digital marketing campaign or improve on an existing one, it’s important to invest in the right strategies from the get-go. Digital marketing can be an effective way to build your brand and reach new customers, but it requires consistent effort and investment.











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